Monday, July 30, 2007

Avalanche Ranch - God is with us!

This is crew leader Traci Schoen out at the ranch. By now, the Ranch Hands have put the Longhorns to pasture, the Eagles have set to flight and “Rowdy” has said good-night to Shadow and the rest of his Dog buddies, finishing out another great night of VBS at Horizons!

A night that reminded us of the assurance that “God is with us,” WOOHOO!!
More kiddos joined in on the fun of Day 2…Bob and Karl are getting nervous about that roof!

The night started with Bob and Karl hosting a Twinkie-eating contest won by the Longhorns (nice effort Mitchell, Landon and Brady!)

Sing & Play Stampede was made more meaningful and fun when songs were sung with actions and jumping. Singing at the top of your lungs is encouraged! We also learned actions to help us remember our Bible Verse for the day “For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:9) Fingers pointed to heaven and march, march, march.

Cowpoke Crafts’ gave us time to talk and create a physical reminder of God’s presence in our lives, while Horseplay Games gave us time to release some energy, enjoy the beautiful night and experience what it would feel like if we didn’t have “God (is) with us” WOOHOO!!

In Bible adventures, we heard the story of Joshua and the Israelites and how God separated the flooding waters of the Jordan River (Joshua 3-4) so that the Israelites could safely cross. As crews, we created our own “stone memorials,” citing a time when God was with each one of us….during a storm, after getting separated from our parents, when a “stranger” approached.

Chadder’s Wildwest Theater and snack-time are always a hit! Mmmmm, s'mores!!

The 5th & 6th graders spent some time collecting paper goods for Epworth Village from our generous neighbors. Good luck in “the boys vs. the girls” challenge to collect more…as a “girl” I have to say….”GO GIRLS!!!”

Pastor Steve’s Roundup included a final prayer, but not before reading his version of Joshua 3-4 with “Rowdy” and his rowdies acting it out. What version of the Bible was that with Joshua and the Israelites and swim practice?

What more could be said about a night already filled with so much going on?

The Kids: Watching them learn (and reaffirm) for themselves the love and presence of God!
The Parents: Who love their kids so much and trust HCC to help teach them of God’s love!
The Volunteers: So many giving of their time and talents for the kids (whether they have some here or not!) and getting to experience God in a different way for themselves as well!
The Lord: “For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

Ranch Stats Night 2:
Kids under 3: 14
Kids aged 3 thru 6th Grade: 277
Adult Volunteers: 127


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