Monday, November 27, 2006

Using technology to further our mission

Horizons embraces technology. In our nearly 10 year history we've always been above the curve, but 2006 has taken us into mostly uncharted territory for not only our church but for the Church in general. And more changes are coming soon. Here's a taste of one thing we have planned:

  • eNewsletter instead of printed and mailed newsletter. Our postage costs are extraordinarily high. In making tough budget decisions, it's been determined that we can save thousands of dollars by changing our bi-weekly printed and mailed newsletter to a weekly emailed newsletter.
  • Our email newsletter provider, Constant Contact, will allow anyone visiting the Horizons web site to sign up for our eNews and to also specify a number of info lists they want to be on such as: DiscoveryZone, prayer requests, 56 Ministries, women's ministry or men's group. Instead of everyone being saturated with information they don't need, you'll get just what you want in your inbox.
  • What about people who don't have email? We're not going to leave you out if you don't have email. We'll still send out a regular postcard to anyone who doesn't have access to email. However, we want to have that list down to no more than 200 pieces which give us the best postage rate. We'll also have printed copies of our newsletter at the Information Center for anyone who would like to pick up a copy on Sunday.

While we work through this transition, we need your help. If you are already getting emails from Horizons, your information will be uploaded into the Constant Contact system. It is a spam-free service and your email address will never be sold or used for any purpose other than to inform you about Horizons Community Church. If you are not currently getting emails from Horizons, it is because we don't have your current email address. Please add that information to your Communication Card any Sunday or send an email to Candie at and make the request to be added to the Horizons mailing list.

This will be a transition over several months and we appreciate your support during that time. It is our intention to be good stewards of God's resources and the money entrusted to Horizons. This will help eliminate thousands of dollars in postage fees, copies and production. Our costs with Constant Contact will be a mere $126 a year for the size of our current list. Isn't that incredible?

Thanks for your help and understanding.


p.s. If you want to get your own free web-based email address but aren't sure how to go about setting one up, feel free to call me or Jamie Brown and we can help you get started.


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