Saturday, September 16, 2006

Blessings by the bagful

The first ever Horizons Free For All was a huge blessing for many families. When we left the church building last night, the tables were piled high, tons of toys were set out in three different areas of the atrium, and boxes and bags for shoppers were piled high near the entry doors.

Shoppers told our organizers how much these free clothes and gear were going to help their families. One shopper from Horizons was picking out clothes for a friend with three small children who recently left an abusive relationship. The free clothes probably meant the difference between winter warmth and food. That's cool to hear. Imagine that the "stuff" cluttering up our closets and basements were actually blessings to someone else. That makes me feel great.

The left-overs are going to the People's City Mission Distribution Center. A huge thanks to Amy Perdew and Monica Miles-Steffens for all their work organizing the event and for everyone who came out on Friday night to help set up the tables and sort the clothes. Another huge thanks to those who stayed Saturday to clean up and get the donation off to the Mission.

Blessings for All,


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