Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Big Event Reminders

Hey Horizons,

Two things I'm thinking about tonight:

  • Free For All: This is where families at Horizons (and yes, you can bring your friends) donate all the gently used baby, kid and teen clothing and gear they've been storing but no longer use or have outgrown, and then on Sept. 16, Sat. from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. it'll be time to shop FOR FREE. What will really help our event organizers is to get your donations dropped off at the church prior to Sept. 15. Until that Friday night, everything is being stored in the office next to Erin Dutter's. You can bring your donations on Sunday or even during the week when the building is open. You may want to call ahead.
  • Benefit 5k Walk: I know, it seems early but please start getting your registration forms and checks submitted. The team organizing the walk is working hard to make this a spectacular event. How else can you help? Take a few flyers to your business or workplace and hand them out to friends. If your company has an employee newsletter, ask them to include the Walk information. There's a link to the registration form on www.tracysangels.com. Help us get the word out!

Go God!



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