Saturday, April 21, 2007

One year already?? My blogging anniversary

Tomorrow, April 22, marks one year of the Horizons blog. I remember the day clearly. The days since then, not so much. This is post number 178. What have I learned about blogging in a year?

  • I love the forum, love the ability to write off the top of my head about what's going on at Horizons and beyond.
  • Not everyone loves blogs as I do. Some people just don't like the word "blog" so they don't read blogs. I DIDN'T COIN THE WORD. I CAN'T CHANGE THE WORD. Sorry.
  • I love reading comments about posts.
  • Not everyone feels comfortable posting comments.
  • I love reading your emails to me about posts.
  • Aggregators rock if you're into blogs. If you don't know what an aggregator is, read this post.
  • Site stats are indispensible when you're wondering if anyone is actually reading. It's how I know which sites readers come from, their city and country, and which posts they're reading and how they found the site.
  • Google is a marketing tool first, a search engine second. Now I know.
  • 6172 visits in a year. The figure is off now that we're getting hits directly from the Web site and those aren't recorded in the same way as people who surf into blogger. Don't ask me why.

Tomorrow is also Earth Day. It's a good day for a blogging anniversary because since last year we've cut down our paper usage in big ways by using more e-News and online information sharing. It's better for the environment and easy on our Horizons budget.

Thanks for reading!



At Saturday, April 21, 2007 11:00:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go Blogs! I love them, and so does Horizons! Ya!


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