Monday, December 04, 2006

Steven Lesley Todd Day

One of my favorite Pastor Steve qualities is his ability to make us laugh at church. I grew up sitting through some very dry, humorless sermons that never seemed to "stick." Steve seems to work his message into my brain by first making me laugh (or groan as the case may be) then making his point that suddenly makes so much sense.

But just to be clear: I will vote for Steven Lesley Todd Day only if there will be a parade (in August!) and if restaurants and movie theaters will have 50% discounts that day to remember SLT's frugality. All coffee shops that day will only serve Fair Trade coffees and everyone will try to either ride a bike or use public transportation instead of the gas guzzling SUVs. At the very least, people will carpool. SLT Day would be a federal and state holiday, but not wrapped around a weekend to discourage travel. Families would use the day as an excuse to spend time together and relax at home.

If all that could be managed, then count me in.

But seriously, Steve's message was so timely and helpful to get me back into the real Christmas spirit. I loved the scripture references and the three things we should do:

  1. make a difference for at least one person in need,
  2. practice financial integrity and
  3. practice graciousness instead of bullying people.

Here's the Advent prayer Steve gave us in case you couldn't write fast enough:

Jesus, I am waiting expectantly

for you to show me

how I may honor you and

experience you this season.
Have a great week. Don't forget (I should talk!) about Encounter tomorrow night @ 7 p.m. and our All-Church Conference meeting Wed. night @ 7 p.m. There's no childcare for Encounter but we do plan on having childcare for the all-church meeting. If that's something you'd like to help with, contact Candie at the office, or call her, 420.6600. Thanks!


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