Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Youth Mission Update Wednesday night

The group did some catching up this morning because they got a few hours behind yesterday. Jim H., a graduated senior, said the walls are done and most of the roofing is done. Tomorrow they will finish with stucco and add the roof shingles.

Sometime around 2 p.m., Derek S. stepped on a nail...not a bad injury, he worked the rest of the day, but they contacted his mom, who called his doctor and he was due to have a new tetanus shot and was told to get one within 48 hours of the injury. Tonight when they called, a few adults and Jim H., were driving around the city to find a hospital to get Derek a shot. I talked to Derek, he really is fine and isn't hurt.

Tomorrow is the last day to finish the house and once done, they will turn over the keys to the family, take lots of pictures, then return to camp for the last night in Mexico. They'll start back early Friday a.m. and be back to Lincoln Saturday night.

More tomorrow night,


At Thursday, June 15, 2006 12:03:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jen,sounds like you are ready to wrap things up. I bet you can't wait to see the looks on the families faces when you hand them the keys. Can't wait to see you. Love Dad

At Thursday, June 15, 2006 3:36:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Max, sorry I missed you last night, but good to hear your voice. Keep up the good work! God is smiling down on you. Looking forward to seeing you soon.

Love, Mom

At Thursday, June 15, 2006 5:02:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the calls! It is great to see to see what extremes you go through to help others.

Kyle, hope you got over your constipation. We heard that just telling Julie about it made her catch it!


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