Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Encounter tonight, June 6

Don't forget: tonight is Encounter, our monthly postmodern worship service from 7-8 p.m.

Never been to Encounter? It is quite different from Sunday Worship-Celebration. Think of everything that Horizons is: relaxed environment, casual setting, Christ-infused atmosphere. Now take that to another level that is more introspective, more self- and God-directed.

Jamie Brown will be providing the music, but the Encounter is between you and God.

There is no "order of service," no sermon, there is communion but everyone participates when and if they desire, there's no set way to worship...if you want to sit back and close your eyes, cool. If you want to stand/kneel/jog-in-place while working out your stuff with God, Encounter is the place.



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